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$200K for a Video Game (In-Class Activity)?

Updated: Apr 10, 2019

If an investor gave me $200,000 to create a video game, I would take on the challenge. Although I am not skilled in the area of the logistics that go into creating a video game, I do know what I have to offer and that is my skill level of putting my vision into a a story board or mood board and small elements of design. That being said, the artistic and parts of the design elements would already be taken care of BUT the real work is starting out making the actual game:

1: To start I would do my research that doesn't just include playing games. I am talking the inner workings of game design so I know what (or who) I need and how to get this project running.

2: Develop a prototype (and idea), or a smaller version of the game I intend to develop. By doing this it'll help me have a solid foundation to understand the inner workings of game development and it will be buildable.

2; Coding would be the next step. I am no expert in coding but understand this is essential what makes a program work properly. I'm sure there are software packages out there for dummies but with the $200k upfront I would just hire on a SMALL but very skilled team.

4: Graphics + Sound - this is another important aspect of a video game. I would be able to use my own skills to develop this content but would still require help. I would need a graphic designer to bring my sketches to life. For sounds or music in the game would require an entire separate entity. You are talking bringing on a voice-over person and a sound engineer who both need studio time to record all of the sounds that go into the video game - a process that is highly extensive. The cost for this would be high especially if you have multiple players in the game.

5: My team of designers build the game, now the next step would be to get an honest person to test out my game. Observe what they do, what they understand and what they don't and TAKE NOTES. Get even more people to play your game and find the bugs and where you can improve. With the notes, go back to the drawing board with your team and see what parts of the game can be improved and do this over AND over. I think part of being a game designer is iterating concepts and testing out new ideas, some of these ideas will be wring but that's okay.

(Update - cont.)

Every, video game has a story and within that story is a little bit of drama that keeps it interesting and the players engaged. My original idea for the video game was to have the players scavenge to find useful/helpful resources ultimately leading them to be able to win. By win, I mean survive. To provide conflict, they would be competing against other gamers within the game sort of like a survival of the fittest. They would have the freedom to make their own decisions within the game.

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